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Where are you from?

We are born in Quebec but live in Edmonton.

How old are you?

All 28 years old

Who were/was your idols when you were kids?

I think it was AC/DC

When did you release your first song ?

It was in 2009, when we were 17 years old.

When was your first tour?

It was 3 years ago in USA

Where  are you living now?

In Edmonton

How did you found your groupe  name?

We we're thinking about a name and saw Dylan's haircut and got a flash.

When have you started creating music?

We were approximativly 16 y-o

Are you thinking of stoppin' music?

We don't know when we'll stop, but surelly, it's not close from now.

Do you wanna be the best band ever existed? Yes

Do you want to make music internationally? Yes sure

Will you do a tour soon? Yes (when the pandemic will end)

Do you sign autographs sometime? Yeah but not always.

Do you have a mascott? No 

Will the group release a new song soon? Yeah we are working on one,

Did all the members always loved music? No we discovered it at different ages.

Do you like R.A.P music? Yeah, and we will try to release a RAP in the future.

Did you always liked to play music in public? No, we were nervous and wasn't a nice feeling.

Do youu practice music everydays? No

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